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Local Caddie Ltd.
Tourism, Sports
Admin System
February 2024
UX Design
UI Design
Ruby on Rails
LocalCaddie is a company that saw a local problem and a way to resolve it on a more global scale.
LocalCaddie was founded due to the founders' deep connection to their homeland. They recognized a problem that caddies, golf clubs, and many golfers had. Scotland is the capital of golf, but it has a problem serving the multitude of golfers coming from overseas. They need caddies to guide them through golf courses but have no official ways of booking them. On the other hand, caddies have no clear way to advertise and look for clients. Then in the middle of it all are golf courses, which need to serve as middlemen, offering caddies to golfers and connecting them, without really earning any money doing it, using their time and resources on something that should be much easier.
LocalCaddie aims to be that middleman, taking the responsibility off golf clubs, giving caddies the possibility to advertise and show when and where they are available, and finally giving golfers the option to pick a caddie by themselves based on reviews, fees, time, and place when they want to play.
A simple yet useful idea, making it a really nice project to develop since it aims to make golfers' hobbies more accessible and gives caddies a better, more convenient, and reliable way to earn money, whether it is their full-time job or a part-time hobby with benefits.
The client knew the scope of their project well but wanted to start with a sensible MVP that would allow them to gather funding from golf courses already interested in the project and secure some government funding.
We had to help the LocalCaddie team to clearly set goals for the MVP so that it could be completed in their limited time scope. On top of that, they had a limited budget to complete the MVP.
Nevertheless, we had a clear picture of what needed to be done after a few meetings with the client and confidently set up an MVP goal to be achieved in 6 weeks. All this while keeping in mind that we needed to deliver a product that would scale easily and could be developed and maintained further when additional funds and investors were secured.
The client had a limited scope in mind for the project (MVP) but also limited time and budget. Time was a concern because they had to present a demo in time for government funding, and golf club investors were expecting a demo around the same time. This meant a very strict and tight deadline for us.
We started by helping the client decide on what should be included in the MVP and what should be left for later.
With the limited time, we needed to choose the right tech stack that would allow us to deliver the MVP in time. However, we couldn't just rush it and had to keep future scalability in mind and the need to further develop the app after MVP.
Ease of payments from golfers and payout transfers for caddies are crucial to the app. Stripe was chosen as the best solution for this, and the integration was smooth.
We designed the app from scratch with client input and guidelines. We had to make sure the app was easy to use and understand for both golfers and caddies.
We made sure the app was responsive and looked good on all devices, despite many different screen sizes and resolutions and some additional problems, mostly on Apple devices.
We were in constant communication with the client, making sure we were on the same page and that the app was being developed according to their vision. We were always ready to suggest and discuss the best solutions since we believe that mindlessly following instructions rarely works best for any of the sides.
Due to time constraints, we had to develop the app alongside designing it. This meant we had to be very flexible and ready to make changes on the fly, along with being able to create backend code without the knowledge of the frontend using it. The code had to be agnostic to the frontend, and we had to be ready to change the frontend without changing the backend.
The MVP is a ready-to-use product that could work in production at any given time, but for now, the client prefers to use the demo version to gather more investors and secure government funding to develop the application into something more than they first assumed. Due to seeing the potential of the app and the speed of development, they decided to use the quality MVP to further boost their potential to make it into a profitable and easy-to-maintain system that solves a local problem.