Getting Stuff Done - A Practical Micro-Framework


Introduction - you can skip this part

Programmers are usually well-organized people. Or at least we would like to believe we are. Nearly everyone knows one or more workflow methodologies, and some of us even end up being assigned as dedicated organizers, like scrum masters or something. The funny thing is that we often have problems reusing these "work organization" skills outside of the job, or even within the job when we need to do something other than building apps.

So here's my micro framework (fancy name for a glorified checklist, but whatever works, right?) which, hopefully, should help with getting stuff done! It isn't something you haven't heard before, nor is it some miraculous advice. Just a few things to keep in mind or to quickly glance at.

There is one unusual thing, however. This list serves both as advice for those who create work plans and those who act on them.

1. Keep Track of the Progress

A nested TODO list would be enough for small tasks; bigger projects would require more advanced tools like Kanban or some fancy apps.

Why? So that you remember what you have to do! But also so that your co-workers can see that you are doing something.

2. Address Everything

Ever been in one of those meetings where everyone nods wisely and then... nothing happens? Yeah, let's not do that. Grab those floating ideas and nail them down with actual action points. Remember, just telling others about a thing isn't enough - be sure that someone actually does something about it!

3. Choose the Next Step

Have you discussed what goals you want to achieve? Great! Now, decide on the first step that will get you there. Got a new task? Propose/announce how you'll start doing it.

One of the hardest things to do is get started. If you can get rid of that problem, you'll save yourself a ton of mental effort. Boom! Take that, procrastination!

4. Set a Time Frame

And no, I don't mean a deadline. Pick a time when you will check and reevaluate the task. Take things off your mind and leave them for later. You don't need to think constantly about everything you have to do. And you also won't forget about them. It's good to have time frames set, even if just for rescheduling them.

Few Last Words - you can skip this also

That's all. Nothing groundbreaking. I warned you. I'm not some kind of life/tech/business grand master coach (yet). To be honest, the real secret of success is that you need to find your own way which works best for you! Hmm... so maybe my final advice should be: try different things, analyze results, improve, repeat.

Good luck, my friends!

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